Sunday 16 June 2024

Can we Use Two Pub Codes in Ads.txt File

History of Ads.txt

The IAB Tech Lab created Ads.txt as a way to prevent some forms of ad fraud, such as unlawful inventory arbitrage and domain spoofing, and to bring openness to an otherwise highly opaque sector.

The ads.txt project was launched in May 2017 with the goals of streamlining the online advertising supply chain, assisting advertisers and businesses in making confident purchases of genuine digital media, and increasing the difficulty with which fraudulent actors can profit from the sale of inventory that does not belong to them.

Although the focus of ads.txt is advertising, the term "ads" is actually an acronym for Authorized Digital Sellers.

How does Ads.txt Work

The ads.txt file, which the publishers upload to the website, verifies their ownership of the domain and lists partner accounts (such SSPs and ad exchanges) that are qualified to sell their ad inventory. Consequently, the list of all approved publications and their ad inventory is readily available to marketers online.

All the advertiser needs to do is compare the publisher's account ID with the ads.txt file when he receives a bid request from the publisher.

The advertiser can be certain that the publisher is authentic if everything checks out. However, the buyer has the option to forego bidding on the publisher's ad inventory if he learns that the publisher's ID hasn't been authenticated.

Can we Add Two pub codes on Ads.txt

Although queries are few but people yet not able to find the exact answer for this. Its impossible to get two adsense approval for one website or blog. But the condition may be that to make money online faster, you may got approval from two different networks OR you can have ad manager ads.txt file and adsense ads.txt file. 


So the answer for that question is Yes, you can add two pub codes in ads.txt file. We can show example for wordpress and blogger as well.

First we will see how to add ads.txt in the blogger.

Step 1

Go to Settings in blogger

blogger ads.txt file

Step 2

Scroll down to find Monetization and click on "Custom ads.txt"

blogger custom ads.txt

Hit "Enter" after first line and hit Save.

Now you can place ads for both like ad manager and adsense.

Add Ads.txt in Wordpress

Now we will look in the wordpress to set two pub codes in ads.txt file.

Step 1

You should add both pub codes in txt file like show in below image

wordpress ads.txt

Step 2

After saving upload the ads.txt file in file manager.

Happy Earning!

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